Heinrich Hoffmann (1885 – 1957) served as Adolf Hitler’s official photographer from when Hitler took control of the Nazi party in 1921 until his death in 1945. Hoffmann estimates he took over half a million photographs of Hitler over the course of his career. His portraits were the most significant source of Nazi propaganda materials published over the course of close to 25 years, everything from postcards, posters, magazines, postage stamps and picture books. Click on each theme below to see a complete photo album devoted to that particular event or topic.

✨ Fabulous Führer Fotos ✨

Welcome to Fabulous Führer Fotos! This is my sometimes **NSFW** version of Hitler Pic of the Day that might contain explicit details and facts about Adolf Hitler and his private life that some people might find offensive or frankly might not care to know. But for those that may feel their lives will be greatly enriched by knowing and seeing the more intimate details ‘behind closed doors’ of the world’s first sex symbol politician, I will frequently add new photos and tantalizing facts on here, including some clippings of really fascinating newspaper articles!

“I let everything happen. I had never been so happy as I was that night.”

— Mimi Reiter, after a one night stand with Hitler in Munich in 1931

2 September 2023

Hitler’s Mystery Lover 💌

8 February 1926: ‘…My dear Wolf!…I should like to tell you again and again that in my thoughts I am closely bound to you and that I should like to bring a little bit of joy into your life… Sometimes I think how beautiful it would be if we could stay together for an hour at least once a month. This would be sufficient for a considerable amount of time. To be together, all quiet, only making music and not talking at all. I am ardently interested in all those decisive questions. I can understand that your love of your people is fanatic, only thus have you been able to perform and carry out all you have done without losing either faith or courage. I, too, wish to serve your great idea with complete dedication…You, dearest Wolf, if only I could earn much money now; it would be my most beautiful thought to put it at your disposal, but as everywhere the bad times and the lack of money make them heavily felt in the musical life. I’m much oppressed by this consciousness of impotence. So for the time being I cannot help you actively, only firmly believe in you and love you! Hail!…’

With its several musical references, this letter could have been written by ERNA HANFSTAENGL, the elder sister of Ernst (‘Putzi’) Hanfstaengl and who was believed to have been one of Hitler’s lovers. Erna was beautiful, charming, cultured and intelligent, and was a talented singer and musician, having trained in Dresden. Hitler himself was a talented pianist. In the days following the failed Beer Hall putsch, it was rumored that Hitler and Erna had sex while the former was hiding at a country house in Uffing. Rumors circulated in Munich in 1923 that Hitler and Erna were to be engaged; in the spring of 1923, the most widely read newspaper in Munich, the Münchener Neuste Nachrichten, published a story to this effect. Even Hitler’s niece (and another alleged lover), Geli Raubal, became jealous of the relationship. Other possibilities are Sabine Offermann, a Wagner singer in Bayreuth, sisters Inge and Lola Eppe, cabaret dance performances who earned their living as nude models in the Munich art academy, film actress Gretl Theimer, or Marta Mayerhans, an ice skating artist, all believed to be Hitler’s lovers during this particular time period.

“Dear Diary, I would only need one hour, just one hour with Wolf… it wouldn’t even matter where; the meadow, the woods, his infamous couch… My only desire is to be completely at the disposal of the untamed whims of my beautiful wild Wolf… no talking, no words, gleefully submitting to your every savage impulse in the glorious silence, only the sound of your breath as you forcefully pull me in tight against your body, fixing me with your piercing stare… you see the raging desire flashing across my eyes, begging you to ravage me…”

1 September 2023

Hitler’s Other Mistress? 🤔

Leni Riefenstahl, the Valkyrie goddess of the Third Reich, never gave a definitive answer to the key question that dogged her throughout her entire life: was she Hitler’s lover? Rumors of an affair were common at the time, and were always given as the reason for her dramatic promotion by Hitler over so many skilled male directors in Germany. There is little doubt though that she was one of the millions of women swept up in Hitler’s rapturous charisma and the eroticized leather-costumed fascist militarism that saturated his rallies, made clear by a 1932 diary entry after seeing him speak at an event in Berlin:

“I was too far away to see [Hitler’s] face. But after the shouts died down I heard his voice: “Fellow Germans!” That very same instant I had an almost apocalyptic vision that I was never able to forget. It seemed as if the earth’s surface were spreading out in front of me, like a hemisphere that suddenly splits apart in the middle, spewing out an enormous jet of water, so powerful that it touched the sky and shook the earth. I felt quite paralyzed. Although there was a great deal in his speech that I didn’t understand, I was still fascinated, and I sensed that the audience was in bondage to this man.”

There seems little doubt that the oceanic, orgasmic feeling she experienced on encountering Hitler was produced not merely by the Führer himself but also by the wild cheering that arose amongst the crowd. Riefenstahl herself appears to have been not so much a Nazi as a worshipper of hero figures, easily swept up, aroused and seduced by the allure of ultimate unbridled masculine power. Riefenstahl was invited to many of Hitler’s party events, and it seems that after one of these in late 1932 she did try to seduce Hitler when he accepted her invitation back to her sumptuous flat in Berlin, which he visited frequently throughout the 1930’s. An affair with Hitler clearly would have done her career no harm, and it was also extremely clear that she deeply desired him… unfortunately what isn’t clear, and what we may never ever know, is if Der Führer ever reciprocated any of her advances.

“Dear Diary, as my eyes met and fell under the power and spell of the Führer’s gaze I felt as though I suddenly split apart in the middle. Hot water gushed like a volcanic geyser from the cleft between my legs, spewing out an enormous jet of water, so powerful that I believe it could have actually touched the sky and filled an ocean. I am completely paralyzed by your steely gaze mein Führer, forever held in bondage to your every whim and desire.”

31 August 2023

Begetting Hitler’s Heir 👶🏻

Adolf Hitler was absolutely adored by women. They flocked in their thousands to see him and to hear him speak. They most likely knew that they would never actually get to meet him, but they could look, and they could fantasize, and they could even dream about a future as his wife… and of being the mother of his children.

The Führer‘s office was absolutely deluged with letters from young girls and women alike, begging Hitler to give them his baby, among other things 😉, with the correspondence ranging from the naive romanticism of adolescence to the blatantly and explicitly pornographic.

Some would believe (as Hitler himself did, and knew) that this was because he was a good looking man that women wanted to procreate with and fantasized over, while others believe it was also the aphrodisiac of his power that had German women rallying to support Hitler and begging to bare him a large brood of offspring. 👧🏻 👦🏻 👶🏻

“Dear Diary, I spent the entire evening wistfully dreaming of my fairytale wedding to Handsome Adolf and of our wonderful life that we share together in Berchtesgaden with our two precious children, little Klara and Adi Jr. As I drift off to sleep, I’m in rapturous ecstasy, imagining Adolf climbing into bed with me and wrapping his arms tight across my stomach, whispering softly in my ear that he wants to spend all night working on our third…” 👶🏻

30 August 2023

‘The Fabulous Führer’ 💖

For two solid decades women around the world poured out their most private, blissful fantasies into their daily diaries and in steamy love letters addressed to Adolf Hitler. Every intimate dream and torrid desire, from making mad passionate love to Hitler to desperately imploring the dictator to choose them to be the woman to have the extraordinary pleasure and incredible honor to bear his children. The Führer had become to many something of a warrior hero straight out of an Aryan romance novel.

Swooning romantic reveries and sexually explicit poems poured into Hitler’s personal mailbox day after day over the course of his twenty year career. Many women became obsessive and made desperate attempts to get the dictator to acknowledge and reciprocate their all consuming love for him.

Perhaps ‘The Youngstown Vindicator’ summed it up best in the 13 October 1938 article ‘The Fabulous Führer’: “Today he is the awesome Führer, but even now women – from matron to schoolgirl – dimple and smile sweetly when Adolf Hitler is near them, for he possesses a strange charm for German womanhood.” Clearly no lady could escape his rapturous and amorous charm, and women of all ages were head over heals smitten in love and crushing hard on Hitler like nobody’s business. 💋🥰😍

“Dear diary, I’ve been having really naughty thoughts and dirty fantasies about Adolf again. Do you want to know exactly what I want to do with him? Well then, let me tell you all about my sizzling sexy secrets, as perhaps I’m not the only woman in the world who wants to…” 🤭🤫

29 August 2023

Hitler’s Femme Fatale 💍

Adolf Hitler was a huge fan of Polish actress Pola Negri, and she took a chance moving to Germany in 1935 to continue her acting career after work had dried up for her in Hollywood. Joseph Goebbels banned her from working at first after suspecting her of having “potential Jewish ancestry”, a ban that Hitler immediately and personally withdrew. Hitler considered Negri an “authentic Aryan,” and apparently the actress quickly replaced Riefenstahl in “the Führer’s heart.” Pola even morphed her look into a brunette, trying to look as German as possible to appeal to the Führer and the Nazi-controlled UFA studios. The press soon started rumors that Pola was engaged to marry Hitler. She didn’t help matters when she would coyly reply in interviews that “Perhaps I shall marry someone high up in the German government.” German tabloids suggested that when she was briefly hospitalized in June 1937, Negri had been poisoned out of jealousy by one of Hitler’s ex-girlfriends. U.S. gossip columnist Louella Parsons printed a rumor that Pola had been sent to Dachau Concentration Camp due to her lack of discretion in discussing her romance with Der Führer. Negri even sued a French magazine for libel after they published an article claiming she was a regular sleep-over guest at Berchtesgaden and that she “had Hitler wrapped around her little finger.” Interestingly enough, she remained in Germany until 1941 before eventually returning back to America and taking small supporting film roles and going on a nationwide vaudeville tour.

An online poll revealed that 76% (3 out of 4 people) agree that Hitler probably hit that

(Pola Negri also had an affair with actor Charlie Chaplin, and something tells me that perhaps he got the idea of dressing up as Der Führer to turn her on and fulfill her bedroom fantasies, until it totally backfired on him, and she decided to break up and set off to pursue the real deal… 😅)

28 August 2023

The Princess Bride 👸

Adolf Hitler was quite enamored with the stunning Princess Maria of Savoy and invited her be his honored guest at the Wagner Music Festival in Bayreuth on 26 July 1937. It appears the feelings were mutual, the Princess was likewise quite smitten with her suitor, and Der Führer was invited to join her for dinner during Hitler’s official state visit to Rome in May of 1938.

HITLER TO MARRY?”- ‘The Northern Miner’ Toronto, Canada – 11 June 1938

“An intriguing rumor originates from the comment that Herr Hitler will marry Princess Maria of Savoy, youngest daughter of the King of Italy. The Führer was impressed by her slim beauty and gave support to the argument by Maria suggesting that marriage would cement Italo-German relations and would secure for the Führer a bride outside the jealous circle of his Nazi adherents. Princess Maria is 24; Hitler is in his 50th year.”

Hitler and Princess Maria in Bayreuth in 1937.

Hitler and Princess Maria in Rome in 1938.

Hmmmmmm, perhaps Princess Maria didn’t enjoy Hitler’s movie choices, seems the relationship had completely fizzled out by 1939. 😂 🎥 🍿

27 August 2023

World’s Most Eligible Bachelor 🌹

Newspapers around the world began swirling with rumors and conjecture soon after Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor as to whom he would take as his bride. The World’s most eligible and sought after bachelor was being matched with every woman from among Europe’s highest aristocracy to the most popular and world renowned actresses of the silver screen. It appears that 15,000,000 single American women also thought they had a shot with the most dapper of dictators, ranking him one of the ten most eligible bachelors of 1936…

Ladies’ Choice” – ‘The Evening Independent of St. Petersburg’ 2 January 1936

“In the political field, of course, the most eligible young bachelor to appear in many years is 30-year-old Senator Rush D. Holt of West Virginia. He’s a more probable Leap Year prospect than those other veteran bachelors in politics and judiciary, Representative Tinkham of Massachusetts, Governor Ritchie of Maryland, and Justice Cardozo of the U. S. supreme court. Any of these, of course, might be a less willing prospect than the bachelor King Zog of Albania, who is quite frankly a Leap Year pushover if he can find a girl with enough money or blue enough blood.
Those who go abroad for their Leap Yearing have always that shining matrimonal target, the Prince of Wales, and now of course Adolf Hitler, bachelor dictator of Germany, has been added to the list.
The field of sports still offers a couple of champs on the eligible list. Charlie Gehringer, star second baseman of the Detroit Tigers, and the perennial Bill Tilden, unsurpassed tennis player, head the list.
The chance won’t come again, girls, until 1940! Do your Leap Year leaping early!”

Why yes mein Führer of course I accept this rose!!!!! 🌹🥰

26 August 2023

‘One Man Boy Band’ 😎

The ‘Pittsburgh Press’ in 1930 revealed how women were Hitler’s most loyal supporters, even when everyone else had deserted him early on. From swooning maidens to randy housewives, it would appear that it was ultimately Hitler’s raw sex appeal and his legendary sex symbol status is what brought him to ultimate power. 

The Women Made Him” – published 5 October 1930 in the ‘Pittsburgh Press’

“Today 6.500.000 are enrolled in the ranks of the Fascist Party and their number is increasing constantly. In the Reichstag Hitler controls 107 seats in comparison with 12 in the last Reichstag election two years ago.

Hitler owes his political resurrection to the loyalty of his women admirers. When every one else deserted him thousands of German women of the middle class continued to support him.

In fact so fervent was their support that Conservative Germans saw in Hitler only a political clown whose appearance had captivated the fair sex.

When Hitler led parades through the streets of German cities, women would line the sidewalks, and feminine voices would ring out in treble cries of “Heil!” (Hail) and “Germany Awake.”

Hitler’s tall and handsome figure, the lock of dark hair that waves coquettishly over his brow and his neatly clipped mustache brought sighs from thousands of women of the middle class who called him “der schoene Adolf (handsome Adolf)” and “unser Adolf (our Adolf)” in tones of rapturous admiration.”

If you Google “Sex Symbol” this is the definition you will find on Urban Dictionary…. 🤭

I’d be scrambling and swooning too… 😍

25 August 2023

‘Hitler’s Secret Love’ 💕

(So personal confession here – I can’t quite move past or get enough of reading yesterdays post 😅 So here is another article about Mimi’s “romps” with Wolf, along with pics of Hitler from this time period of 1926-28 for, um, er, ohhhh yeah, some much more vivid imagery…) 😉🤭

Article from ‘Quick Magazine’ – April 1960 titled “Hitler’s Secret Love

“The long-sought and long-researched theory concerning Hitler’s sex life must be re-examined in the light of the shocking disclosures of Maria Reiter. They met in a Berchtesgaden park in 1926, when Maria was 16 and Hitler 37. Hitler was still clawing his way up the ladder to supreme Nazi leadership. But the night he met Maria he was relaxing, walking his dog. She immediately took a shine to his “fine figure” and his “riding breeches and . . . riding crop.” Soon, says Maria, he was feeding her cake with his fingers. And then they were taking long rides together, he calling her “Mimi” and she calling him “Wolf” at his request.

Their first kiss, according to Maria, came while they romped in a meadow like two school children just released from school for vacation. “I was so happy I wished I could die,” she said.

They progressed to the point where she began visiting Hitler in his apartment in Munich. But there was no passionate love in the customery sense – rather dreamy discussions about their future. However, she swears that they did have their night of real love. It was after Hitler had broken with her because she was hurting his political career. He sent a devoted henchman to find out how she was doing and let her know he wouldn’t mind seeing her again. This was enough for her and she went to him.

QUESTION: What happened when you spent this night with him? ANSWER: I let him do what he wanted. 

QUESTION: Well, what did he want to do? He was known to avoid real sexual experience, always preferring to dream of it. ANSWER: He did what any normal man would do. . . I was never so happy.

QUESTION: What do you mean, he did what any man would do? ANSWER: Must I spell it out for you in detail? I’m sure you understand!”

Mmmmmm… first kiss with der schöne Adolf 💋😘 yup I’d definitely die !!! 🫠

GOOD LORD please PLEASE PLEEEEEEEESE let me have another dream tonight about romping in the meadow with Wolf 🥰☺️🥰☺️🥰☺️🥰

24 August 2023

Riding with Hitler 🚘

Adolf Hitler introduced himself to Mimi Reiter in the early fall of 1926. He was staying at the Deutsches Haus in Berchtesgaden and their paths crossed while out walking their dogs one evening in the nearby Kurpark. He pursued her, flirted with her, and invited her to a meeting he was going to address at the hotel. She was immediately impressed by his celebrity, and by his dress – by this time, breeches, light velour hat, riding whip and a coat held closed by a leather belt. They continued to meet to walk their dogs in the park and on one occasion, Hitler shocked her when, in a show of harsh dominance, he beat his dog Prinz with his whip after it had attacked her dog Marko: “It was necessary,” he said when she protested. Firmly gripping his riding whip, he told her to start calling him “Wolf”. The only thing that troubled Mimi was that Wolf would never put down his riding crop, but she secretly confessed to her sister: “He cuts a fine figure with those riding breeches and that riding crop.” She found him an imposing figure. His manner of dress – complete with knee-length boots with the whip – greatly impressed her. She recalled fondly of Hitler often taking her to dinner, feeding her cakes like a child, and touching her leg with his knee under the table. On one of their excursions out to a large golden meadow in the countryside, he threw his arms tightly around her, called her his “forest sprite” and said he could squeeze her to bits. He also took her to a remote forest glade, stood her up against a pine tree, and kissed her passionately, calling her his “wood-nymph”, and declared his wish to marry her – but just not at the moment. He told her he had no time to think of such things – he had his duty, his mission.’ Mimi was clearly falling harder for him. During their time together Hitler loved to romp for hours like a child in the woods with her, and he also began taking her out for long rides in his Mercedes. On a drive to his apartment in Munich in early 1927 he reached over and placed her hand on his crotch and intimated his undying love for her. Mimi began to push him even harder for marriage as the year progressed and they would often dream aloud of their future together. But it was not to be. Worried by rumors that his romance with Mimi was hurting him politically, Hitler broke things off in the summer of 1928.

(I call shotgun!! Wow this is some hot stuff 🔥🔥🔥 I’ll be dreaming tonight for sure about taking a ride with Hitler!! Vavroooooooom!!!!!!!!! 🚗💨 )

Heinrich Hoffmann’s portrait of Maria ‘Mimi’ Reiter taken in 1926.

I’m always sleeping alone 😔 BUT YES indeed in my every waking dream and in all my nightly fantasies I’m ALWAYS cuddling (….and ‘doubling up’ 😉) with Hitler! 🤗

23 August 2023

Horny for Hitler 😘

Adolf Hitler had huge sex appeal and women loved him. Hitler personally believed it was his bachelor mystique that was critical to the future of the Third Reich. “Lots of women are attracted to me because I am unmarried,” he once said. “That was especially useful during our days of struggle. It’s the same as with a movie actor; when he marries he loses a certain something for the women who adore him. Then he is no longer their idol as he was before.” As difficult as it might be to imagine today (…well no not for me 😂 but okay, I guess for other people…), this contributed even more to the sexually charged magnetism the young Hitler exuded. He presented himself as unattached to any woman but married to his mission, making him theoretically unattainable—but, for many of his female followers, an object of longing. At his early rallies, Hitler deliberately placed female supporters in the front rows. “He had a lively appreciation of women as a political influence,” his photographer Heinrich Hoffmann wrote in his postwar memoir, ‘Hitler Was My Friend’. Their applause and enthusiasm helped ensure a good reception to his speeches. And at a time when such gatherings often turned into outright brawls, the women also served as a buffer, preventing his opponents from getting too near him. Werner Pusch, a German politician in the Social Democratic Party, as a young man observed a number of Nazi rallies and events prior to the start of the Second World War. Pusch was most struck by the reaction of the women in attendance when Hitler would arrive at a festival. He described how “[t]he whole atmosphere grew more and more hysterical. He was interrupted after nearly every phrase by big applause and, uh, women began screaming … “ it was truly a phenomenon the likes of which had never been witnessed in all of history. Adolf Hitler was the entire package: an adored object of desire, a powerful sex symbol and a dreadfully unattainable and pined-for lover.
(Ugh, exactly – even 100 years on, I know the pain!! 🫠)

… not to mention the simple fact Der Führer is hot AF 🔥🔥🔥

22 August 2023

Duchess of Debauchery 👑

Up until the Second World War, Hitler was viewed and even admired abroad as being a great leader. In Great Britain aristocrats especially admired the Führer not only for his qualities as a leader but as a mighty bulwark against Communism. But towering over all these figures were the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Duke Edward had abdicated as King Edward VIII in 1936 in order to marry the American divorcee, Wallis Simpson. Both were greatly impressed by Hitler’s leadership qualities, and they were even entertained by him during a visit to Germany in 1937. The Duchess, in particular, was “exceedingly” infatuated with Hitler, especially seduced by the power he exuded when speaking in public. It seems she had firmly set her sight on having a fling with the Führer to add to a long succession of fascist infatuations. Her first affair occurred with handsome Italian fascist Count Ciano while traveling in Shanghai with her first husband in 1925, who was later to become the son-in-law of Benito Mussolini. Wallis eventually divorced her first husband in 1927 and while married to her second, seduced Pro-Nazi Duke Edward while traveling in Britain. The British government closely tracked Simpson and was also aware that she was in fact involved in numerous other sexual relationships. This included the Duke of Leinster, and more importantly, they had evidence that Wallis Simpson was also having a relationship with Joachim von Ribbentrop, the German Ambassador to Britain. The FBI also believed this was the case, and one report suggested that he had sent a bouquet of seventeen red roses to her flat in London because each bloom represented an occasion they had slept together. One could certainly imagine that Der Führer was at the very top of her list as the ultimate conquest of Lady Simpson.

Lucky lady Wallis Simpson getting her hand kissed by Hitler during her 1937 visit to Germany. 💋
Wallis Simpson’s former lover Count Ciano meeting with Hitler in 1937.

Gawd damn this woman had some impeccable taste! 🌹🌹🌹

21 August 2023

Hedonistic Haven 🫦

In 1941 Ernest Pope released a very scandalous publication that chronicled the surprising hedonistic activities of Der Führer and his cronies in his book “Munich Playground”. Munich is shown as party central for the Nazi elite and offers a glimpse of a side of the Third Reich no one outside of Hitler’s inner circle had been privy to see. The Nazi big wigs especially loved their mistresses, preferably theater girls unafraid of going naked on stage. Christian Weber, who was among Hitler’s earliest political associates, had also made increasing use of the insight he had gained during his 1937 visit to the Paris World Exposition. This bawdy Bavarian couldn’t get enough of his nightly indulgences in the Paris establishments where women bared all, and concluded that “our naked German girls are better looking than the French women.” His answer to spicing things up back home in the Fatherland was inaugurating an annual festival he called “the Night of the Amazons” that was to occur every year mid-summer: “All we have to do is take off the clothes of the girls right here at home, put them into the spotlight, and men with money to spend will forsake Paris for Munich.” Orgy-like parties flourished in the Bavarian capital until the outbreak of war put an abrupt end to Hitler’s hedonistic haven on the Isar.

Oooh Adi tickle me with your moustache 💋💋💋

Beneath that shy demeanor, we all know there is a real WOLF 🐺 GRRRRRR!!! 💋💋💋

20 August 2023

“I am always with you…” ✍️

“I think I am the happiest girl in the world,” Unity Mitford wrote to her sister Diana in February of 1935. Her most exotic fantasy had just become a reality – her first personal encounter with the greatest object of her desire – the Führer! Despite Hitler’s initial reservations about Mitford, he grew extremely fond of the British socialite, even going so far as to call her “the ideal of Aryan womanhood”. In a copy of his book ‘Mein Kampf’ which he gifted to her, Hitler wrote, “I am always with you however far away you may be. You are always next to me. I will never forget you.” While some historians think that Mitford never got past the “platonic acquaintance” stage, others think there was much more going on there — including Eva Braun. She wrote in her diary, “She is known as the Valkyrie and looks the part, including her legs. I, the mistress of the greatest man in Germany and the whole world, I sit here waiting while the sun mocks me through the window panes.” Mitford had apparently spent months visiting the same café Hitler was known to frequent, waiting to be noticed. When she was, she impressed him so much with her middle name — Valkyrie — and her wildly anti-Semitic views that he installed her in a Munich apartment. Hitler’s long-time mistress Braun didn’t appreciate that the “Valkyrie” was competing with her for the Führer’s affection. She even attempted to kill herself in May 1935 because of her raging jealousy. But Unity Mitford remained single-minded in her obsession. In her papers, which were examined after her death, she gushed that all she wanted was to go “to heaven and sit there with the Führer for ever and ever.” 

19 August 2023

Munich: Nazi Bohemian Playground 🤸‍♂️

Nazi Germany’s leaders hurried to Munich and its alpine environs when they wanted to get away from the stress of running the Thousand-Year Reich. Hitler himself spent as much time as he could in Munich. He retained his apartment on Prinzregentenplatz, which he furnished to his taste, and always had at his disposal for his clandestine trysts. The walls were decorated with landscapes by Spitzweg, a portrait of Bismarck by Lenbach, and one of the many versions of Franz von Stuck’s female nudes ‘Die Sünde’ (‘Sin’). The wonderful thing about Munich, in Hitler’s eyes, was that there he could return to his bohemian roots, carouse in his favorite restaurants and nightclubs, and talk endlessly about art and architecture. Whereas in Berlin he had to entertain diplomats, in Munich he could entertain and seduce artists, dancers and actresses. There was no limit of indulgence and outrageous behavior of the Nazis in their native habitat. In Munich they ran wild, let their hair down, and indulged in every fantasy that money and power could avail them. In Munich the Führer could truly relax and satisfy every single one of his appetites.

18 August 2023

Bruck’s Bangin’ Blitz-Tease ⚡️

According to Reuters correspondent Ernest R. Pope, who followed Hitler and his cronies around Munich in the mid-to-late 1930s, the Führer became an intrepid man-about-town whenever he visited the Isar city. Following operetta performances at the Gärtnerplatz Theater — Hitler’s favorite piece was “The Merry Widow” starring erotic “beauty dancer” Dorothy von Bruck, whose every move he studied with the aid of powerful military binoculars — the Führer liked to host all-night parties at the newly renovated Künstlerhaus. This establishment, claimed Pope, was a “hotbed of Nazi intrigue, orgies, and artistic turpitude.” Guests always included the prettiest actresses and dancers from the theatrical cast. Dorothy herself might perform a “blitz-tease” so close to Hitler that he had no need of his binoculars. 👀

Members of his entourage, when not gorging on foie gras and champagne, disappeared with a partner into one of the convenient chambres séparées. At about 3:00 or 4:00 A.M. Hitler would leave for his apartment followed shortly thereafter by Dorothy or one of her colleagues. The lady in question would be driven by a lackey to the Prinzregentenplatz, shown into Hitler’s building, and, “after less than an hour,” driven away again.” Adolf Hitler is a great protagonist of the blitz technique” insisted Pope. 

The dancer Dorothy von Bruck dancing in a transparent dress with a veil Series: 3 pictures – ca. 1935- Photographer: Erich Engel- Vintage property of ullstein bild

17 August 2023

Hitler’s Nazi Carnival Orgy 🎭

So what exactly went down at the Reich Chancellory on 21 February 1939? Apparently a Mardi Gras pagan-style orgy the likes of which haven’t been seen since the reign of Caligula in Ancient Rome. Basically “Eyes Wide Shut” kinda shit. What exactly brought on this shift to these over the top debauched gatherings? Ernest Pope observed that in the late 1930s Hitler had become overly titillated by performances occurring in Munich with scantily clad female dancers and was particularly attracted to fully naked women performers, especially “Dorothy van Bruck,” no detail of whose “blitz-tease escapes the penetrating gaze of Adolf Hitler, as he follows every movement of this completely undressed girl.” Freidelind Wagner recalled that Hitler advocated that the female dancers should appear sans clothing in Wagner’s operas performed at Bayreuth. While in Spandau prison in 1948, Albert Speer recalled the time when Hitler “was crazy about an American dancer who performed almost unclothed in Munich,” whom he continually invited to tea and private movie screenings and strip-tease acts. She was “the only foreigner who was ever admitted to his circle” besides his previous lover Unity Mitford. Hitler was apparently quite serious about his interest in the unnamed performer: he made it “quite plain that he would be ‘laying siege to her’.” (Phew I need to go take a cold shower now 😅)

16 August 2023

Making a Hit with Hitler 🤩

After throwing a huge Mardi Gras bash for the German film colony in his new Chancellery and having had a genuinely stellar time in the company of vivacious Viennese screen stars, who afterward declared enthusiastically that Hitler was “sehr lustig und galant” (very amusing and gallant), he succumbed in quick succession to the twinkling legs and enticing smiles of two American dancers. The first was Marion Daniels, who just like Miriam Verne, had caught Hitler’s attention while dancing in a traveling production of “The Merry Widow”. After paying a cool thousand dollars and the cost of sending a private airplane to Cannes just to enjoy the additional spirit the nimble Daniels would inject into a Munich performance of “the Merry Widow” on February 22, 1939. Herr Hitler also presented a large bouquet of pink carnations to the American dancer when she appeared before him after a performance of “The Merry Widow” in Munich. Miss Daniels said: “Herr Hitler told me, I enjoyed your dance! You are really the best dancer I have ever seen I hope it will not be long before I see you again.’ Daniels was also asked to tap dance for Hitler at a night club and at private performances at the chancellory. She did not return to her tour in Cannes France until March 3, 1939. (Hmmmm it really makes you wonder what exactly occurred over the course of those 2 weeks. 👀 )

15 August 2023

Hitler Falls for the Merry Widow 💃

In March of 1939 Adolf Hitler became a stage-struck fan of pretty Miriam Verne, a 19 year old American dancer who performed in a Berlin musical comedy “The Merry Widow” featuring a strip-tease act done in the most thorough German fashion. Unable to satisfy his appetite for Miss Verne’s dancing by attending 10 performances of the show, he invited her to the Chancellery to dance for him privately, and when the show closed in Berlin in April he sent her to Munich to continue her act in the Merry Widow, where his attendances at the Merry Widow there numbered six before Verne returned home to Pittsburgh in late July. She had become the main attraction at frequent receptions given by Der Fuhrer for members of the theatrical world in the new chancellery in the Summer of ‘39. She met with Hitler privately on dozens of occasions over the course of her 5 month tour, and according to a British newspaper Hitler became romantically involved with her, and was deeply disappointed when she had to return to the States in order to fulfill a previous contract obligation that she had signed to perform at the New York World’s Fair.

14 August 2023

Sexual Cinematic Experience 🎬

Actress Marianne Hoppe made no secret of her interactions with high level Nazi officials throughout the 1930s. Her role in ‘Der Schimmelreiter’ (The Rider of the White Horse, 1934) made her an overnight sensation just as her “Aryan” features made her a darling with the Nazi elite. She immediately caught Hitler’s eye and was frequently invited to join him for private dinner engagements and went on to become a regular attendee at his infamous artists receptions held at the Reich Chancellery. Hoppe was invited one evening to join the Fuhrer for a private screening of “The Rebel” in the Berlin Reich Chancellery theater, a rare and much dreamt of fantasy for any woman! Unfortunately this movie choice was a very violent film about an Austrian mountaineer fighting off French forces during the Napoleonic Wars. During the film, Hoppe recalls watching Hitler “groaning” when he saw Austrians killing French soldiers on the screen. She recounted that “Hitler got some kind of thrill and rubbed his knees at this event, as the stones rolled down on the French, and groaned.” He was extremely aroused and “got some kind of orgasm.” There was definitely evidence of some sort of deep connection between sexuality and violence for Hitler. (In other words: what happens in Hitler’s movie theater STAYS in Hitler’s movie theater 🤫 )

*grrroaaannnn* Oh yeah baby that’s it 😛

13 August 2023

Full Blown Porn Addict 🍿

While Hitler was publicly railing against prostitution, declaring men who succumb to lust as “weak and pitiful”, and proclaiming to be personally observing complete abstinence from sex, he was inviting strippers and prostitutes to put on private shows for him at his mountain retreat. After becoming the chancellor of Germany in 1933, Hitler also became a “full-blown porn addict”, stock-piling a tremendous X-rated film collection alongside his favorite “Laurel and Hardy” and Disney movies. Heinrich Hoffmann was asked to constantly acquire and supply new pornographic films to Hitler which he played most nights in his private theatre in the Chancellery. “Voyeurism fits in with his sexuality and his personality,” says Professor Kaplan. “He could distance himself so he could enjoy it but not reveal anything of himself.” It is logical to believe that Hitler would be very reluctant to trust others, especially with levels of deep intimacy as he gained more power. Even among the people that were the closest to him it is said he became more secretive and withholding, and had turned more to lusting after his favorite actresses on the screen rather than risk the vulnerability of direct intimate encounters with women.

12 August 2023

Hitler’s Naughty Nazi Nun 📏

Eleonore Baur (7 September 1885 – 18 May 1981), also known as Sister Pia, was a senior Nazi figure and the only woman to have participated in the Munich Beer Hall Putsch. “Sister Pia” was a defrocked nun who said she fell in love with Hitler after seeing him speak at a DAP meeting in early 1920 and that she joined the movement to pursue Hitler. Baur became one of the most visible Nazi figures in Munich by the spring of 1920. She said an occasion never arose for them to have sex until 1923, and that he demanded that she lash him hard with his bullhide whip first. She said she obliged him, using his whip to excite him, and once whipped, he got an erection. Then they had sex, she said, but only after he was beaten. Their torrid on and off again affair lasted for 10 years. She often accompanied Hitler on his picnic trips with senior level Nazi officials and she grew very close to Himmler. Baur later took the role of madam on Himmler’s traveling brothel train that criss-crossed Germany throughout the 1930’s and well into the 40’s. Women and girls working in this train came from Poland and Ukraine, and the clients were exclusively officers of Wehrmacht and SS units.

11 August 2023

Who Wants Cake? 🍰

After Geli’s suicide in 1931, Hitler spent time and possibly was romantically involved with quarter-Jewish actress Margarete “Gretl” Slezak. She was an opera singer and Hitler had attended one of her perfomances in the ‘Die Goldene Meisterin’ in Munich and fell for her. It appeared not to matter to him that she had a Jewish grandparent and he saw her whenever he could. She apparently had strong feelings for the Führer as well, and she would often pose for him so he could sketch nude portraits of her at his Munich apartment. Once Hitler became more serious with Eva Braun and was appointed Chancellor all contact had ceased. In March 1938, Gretl was invited to a tea party in Hitler’s official residence at the Radziwill Palace in Berlin. Gretl invited Hitler back to her apartment nearby on the Kurfurstendamm for cake and he accepted! She hurriedly left in her own car to “change into something more comfortable”, as it were, and to light candles to attain just the right mood at her place when the Führer arrived. She made advances on Hitler when he sat down on her sofa and tried to hold his hand, but Hitler kept fending her off, saying “You know I can not allow that anymore”. Hitler’s valet knocked at the door and the evening abruptly ended. Gretl continued to try and get a romance rekindled with Hitler up until 1939, but he was no longer interested in that sort of relationship with her. (I’d be devastated if the Führer turned down my “cake”, poor woman 😞)

Hitler and cake… Two things I’d like to lick icing off of! 🍰😋

10 August 2023

Private Performances & Productions 🎥

Jenny Jugo was a young film actress who was passed on to Hitler by Goebbels. Pauline Kohler, Hitler’s maid at the Berghof, claimed that Jenny was Hitler’s mistress for several months and he showered her with gifts-including a villa, a small plane, two cars and expensive jewelry. She seemed to have been a headstrong, lively person who liked practical jokes. She once served “Fat Hermann” Göring a rubber sausage, dispatched outrageous telegrams to Hitler in the names of Goebbels or Göring and brought a parrot to the Berghof whom she had trained to declare, “I am the Führer, I am the Führer.” She was always late for meals and sometimes locked herself in her room, which disturbed her boyfriend. Hitler had a room fitted out with a stage on which Jenny would perform an artistic dance, better described as a strip-tease act. The performances were filmed and Hitler viewed them at his leisure. It is the case that he liked paintings of female nudes and his extreme fondness for pornography was something noted by several people. At Christmastime a film of one of her performances was shown to the Berghof staff. (I…. I certainly must say, I wish Hitler himself had starred in some private “artistic” productions, just more left to my imagination tonight I guess 😉)

Such a cutie 🥰 I could kiss you Adi 💋💋💋

9 August 2023

Unsurpassed Stamina 💪

Adolf Hitler adored film, but even more he relished the company and companionship of the most beautiful actresses of the silver screen. Jenny Jugo is one of these lovely ladies that caught Hitler’s eye, and a tryst was orchestrated by Goering. “Shortly after I met the Fuehrer for the first time, Herr Goering had invited me to an artist’s reception at the chancellory at which he would be present. Herr Goering said to me ‘Be sure to give him the pretty eye; you understand?’ And Dr. Goebbels took me aside and added: ‘Please be very nice to the Fuehrer; your whole future rests on how you entertain him today. Goebbels looked at me out of the corner of the eye. There was no mistaking their meaning. Both these gentlemen wanted me to make love to the Fuehrer. On the night of the party I sat next to Hitler. I smiled my prettiest and tried to get him to talk. After an hour he finally arose and led me back to his chambers. Well, I thought, here is where I have to play my part: here is where I find out how the Fuehrer makes love. Of course it wasn’t up to me to make advances. All I had been instructed to do was to accept them. So I sat by smiling, waiting for Adolf Hitler to take my hand, or even to attack me. I wasn’t afraid. He had me undress and told me to go sit on his couch. Suddenly he stretched out his hand in the Nazi salute. Straight and high. And he held it steady. ‘Fräulein,’ he said in his harsh voice, ‘I can keep my hand this way for two whole hours.’ I was too amazed for words. ‘Fräulein,’ Hitler continued, ‘when my Storm Troops parade, when I stand at the salute, I never get tired.’ I remained speechless. ‘I can stand erect like this for two hours, where all my men falter after 30 minutes. My stamina is unsurpassed’ Lovemaking with Hitler would never commence until this commanding display of the Fuehrer’s will-power and stamina had been acted out as a form of foreplay.

8 August 2023

Winifred Wagner’s Secret Love Letters ✉️

Winifred Williams was orphaned at the age of 10, and she left Wales after being adopted by her mother’s relatives in Germany. It was the start of a chain of events which saw her become a Nazi sympathiser who almost married Hitler during his rise to power. The pair had become so close that it was Winifred who provided the paper on which he wrote his evil manifesto Mein Kampf while serving his time in jail. At age 18 Winifred had married composer Richard Wagner’s son Siegfried to hide his homosexuality. In 1923 Winifred first met Hitler and she was immediately smitten with Wagner’s biggest fan. When Winifred became a widow in 1930, Hitler reputedly became like a second father to her four children. Throughout the early 1930s talk of marriage between the pair was rife within the country, as well as the badly-kept secret the pair were involved in a sexual relationship. The erotic and intimate letters exchanged between the two are still kept under lock and key by the Wagner family to this very day. The relationship had begun to sour though by the mid-1930s when Hitler, who was having relationships with several other women, including Eva Braun, had failed to ask Winifred to marry him, and she ceased the salacious correspondence. Amélie Hohmann, the granddaughter of Winifred Wagner, says that she will never give permission to release what she calls “explosive” letters exchanged for years between Winifred and Hitler.

7 August 2023

Eva Braun’s Bang Kit 🧳

It would certainly appear that Hitler remained in a period of very deep grieving after Geli’s death for several months, but most definitely by the close of 1931 he was actively pursuing, or trying out, several different women to fill the position of his new mistress. There is evidence to suggest that, particularly by New Year’s of 1932, that Hitler and Eva Braun had become physically intimate. Eva’s maid, Margarete Mitlstrasser, tells how Eva would repeatedly set off for Hitler’s apartment on Prinzregentenplatz carrying a special little suitcase, which was nicknamed the ‘BuKo’ – short for Beischlaf-Utensilien-Koffer (in crude English, the ‘screwing-kit’). A Buko is a joking term for an extra-small suitcase that has just enough storage space to fit things like a toothbrush, spare underwear, condoms, lingerie, handcuffs, etc. For this reason, Bukos are also often referred to as co-sleeping suitcases or bang-utensil suitcases. They are undoubtedly the best type of luggage for when a one-night stand is in the pipeline.

6 August 2023

Sleepless Nights 🌙

Joseph Goebbels relationship with his wife Magda had always been extremely stormy. Magda knew her mind and was no shrinking violet. But more worryingly for Goebbels, it soon became apparent that Magda was deeply enamored with Hitler. Worse still, the feelings were clearly mutual. Hitler and his retinue would drop in and see Magda when Goebbels was away. And even if Goebbels was present, he flirted with her outrageously. ‘Magda is letting herself down somewhat with the boss,’ Goebbels confided in his diary. ‘It’s making me suffer a lot. She’s not quite a lady. I’m afraid I can’t be quite sure of her faithfulness.’ It is clear Goebbels suspected Hitler was having an affair with Magda. On one occasion, the Führer invited himself to dinner, which resulted in what Goebbels described as a ‘terrible night’, with ‘agonising jealousy’. Hitler would call Magda on the telephone, which would again cause terrible angst for Goebbels. ‘I can’t sleep and keep thinking up crazy, wild tragedies,’ he wrote. Hitler’s chauffeur Erich Kempka also noticed how blatantly Magda lusted after Hitler, and often joked that “When Magda Goebbels was around Hitler one could hear her ovaries rattling”.  Magda was so fascinated by Hitler that many believed she only married his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels to be in close proximity with the Führer. 

5 August 2023

Kinky Hitler 🥂

Author David Litchfield maintains that Unity Mitford staged elaborate Nazi-themed orgies devised to show her love for Hitler. These were carried out with Hitler’s connivance on the condition that she titillate him with the details afterwards. All this was part of a form of sadomasochistic worship of the Führer, in which she offered herself bound and helpless to his henchmen before a shrine she had erected to him. Their relationship had been strictly platonic until one occasion when Unity was surprised to see champagne in an ice bucket and lighted candles upon her arrival to Hitlers apartment. Convinced her beloved Führer was about to seduce her, Unity was surprised when, after pouring them both a glass, he asked for the details of her erotic encounters with his storm-troopers. His intimate questions suggested that he was fascinated and even aroused. Particularly so when she confessed that she only thought of him during these acts, and that they were a symbol of her submission to his control. On his orders, the sessions with his stormtroopers continued, as did Unity’s erotic re-tellings of them in private audiences with Hitler. 

4 August 2023

“Powerfully Piercing Ice-Blue Eyes” 💙

“As has often been said, Hitler’s eyes were startling and unforgettable… they seemed pale blue in colour, were intense, unwavering, hypnotic. Certainly the eyes were his most distinctive feature. They could contain fury and fanaticism and cruelty; they could be mystic and tearful and challenging,” Martha Dodd remarked on her first impression upon meeting the Führer. Hitler’s secretary Christa Schroeder was also deeply enamored with his eyes: “I found Hitler’s eyes expressive. They could look friendly and warm-hearted, or express indignation, indifference and disgust.” It was not just his devoted secretaries who seem to have been sucked into the raw power surrounding the Führer. Traudl Junge, his last secretary often told in interviews, that people were amazed about Hitler’s blue eyes. Those who had met Hitler, often referred in their reminiscences, on his remarkable pale, clear blue eyes, which many state, unequivocally, had a distinctly hypnotic quality. William Shirer thoroughly discuses the effect of Hitler’s penetrating stare on women in his book ‘The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler,” especially how “women often swooned on the streets in his presence.” 💙💙💙

3 August 2023

“So Tender, So Hot…” 😘

Adolf Hitler received more love letters than the Beatles and Mick Jagger combined. The letters were initially sorted by Rudolf Hess and Albert Bormann, brother of Hitler’s secretary Martin Bormann, but eventually a special department was created in both Munich and Berlin to handle the 1000+ letters arriving each month! Bormann noted that the letters “brought the Führer true happiness.” Letters came from women all around the world: England, America, Austria… all professing their deepest desires with salutations such as: “Sweetest love, favorite of my heart, my one and only, my dearest, my truest and hottest beloved,” to the erotic… “I could kiss you a thousand times and still not be satisfied. My love for you is endless, so tender, so hot and so complete.” “My beloved Fuhrer,” “My darling sugar-sweet Adolf,” and directly to the point: “Dear Adi, wouldn’t  it be possible for us to spend a few hours together on Christmas or New Year’s?”, “My hotly loved dear heart”, (….and one of my very personal favorites)… “I want to eat you up with my love!” 😋

2 August 2023

“My Dear Sugar-Sweet Adolf” 💋

Hitler received thousands of love letters from women every year. One woman even sent cakes to Adolf and wrote on 10 September 1939: “My dear, sugar-sweet Adolf, I must write to you, because I am so alone. The youngsters have gone for a walk. Lenchen is at her friend’s and I’m sitting down and sewing – darning socks and mending laundry. I wanted to go out, but it is raining, and I’ve got so much to do – always working, isn’t that so, my sweet? I look at your pictures constantly, spreading them out in front of me and giving them a kiss. Yes, yes my dear sweet Adolf, love is as true as gold, and I can’t do a thing about it. My sweet, I hope things are going as well for you as they are for me. Now I’m going to turn on the
wireless and later listen to the news, then I’ll go for a walk for an hour
or so and think about you, my darling, and what you’re doing at the front.
There’s no Sunday there, my sweet, but things are going well because our
soldiers are so brave, especially when they know that you are at the front
with them, inspiring such courage. So, my sweet, I’ll presume you got my
parcel with the cakes and that you liked them. Whatever I send you, I do
out of pure love. Now I’ll finish. My dear, sweet, good Adolf. Thousands of best wishes and kisses from your dear, good, Miele.” 💋💋💋

1 August 2023

Object of Desire ❤️‍🔥

Hitler constantly surrounded himself with women, he was always the object of their adoration and desire, and he thrived on being the center of their attention. The list of sexual partners of Der Führer is extensive, some of the women who have been named include other men’s wives (notably several high-ranking Nazi officials), princesses, and actresses. It is claimed that Hitler’s intimacies also took place on an international level, among others with Martha Dodd, daughter of the US ambassador in Berlin, and Lady Unity Mitford of Great Britain. The essence of this extensive ‘Hitler research’ into his intimate relationships is that numerous women, ‘who expected to encounter a ranting boor, left him charmed and very taken with him’. 

31 July 2023

Debauched Deviants 🦹🏻‍♂️

Konrad Heiden’s magnum opus, Der Fuehrer, is remarkable for its portrait of Hitler’s Munich circle, a now nearly forgotten collection of misfits, hunchbacks, sexual outlaws, moral degenerates, decadent aristocrats, ex-cons, and occult con men. Heiden calls Hitler’s Munich circle “armed bohemians.” They were Fascist libertines who spent boisterous days in the Café Heck and the Osteria Bavaria, stuffing themselves with pasta and pastries. While pimps scoured Munich schoolyards to supply boys for SA chief Ernst Röhm’s predatory appetites, Hitler was reported to have been present at dissolute gatherings at the home of party photographer Heinrich Hoffmann, who had a wide acquaintance among artists, models, and other demimondaines.

30 July 2023

Harried Houseguest 🛏

Immediately following his 1923 botched coup d’état (the Beer Hall Putsch), Hitler was whisked away in a car and hidden from authorities at a country house in Uffing owned by the well-connected Hanfstaengl Family. There, Erna Hanfstaengl, sister of Putzi, cared for him and tended to his injured shoulder. She also spent the first night talking him out of taking his life as he sat on the edge of her bed toying with his revolver. Hitler spent the entire 48 hours before his capture with Erna in her bedroom, wearing only white pajama bottoms and a blue bathrobe. (He couldn’t put his own clothes back on due to his arm being in a sling.) Hitler had already been dating Erna for 2 months and had developed strong romantic feelings towards her, and it’s rumored they consummated the relationship while he was in hiding with her in her bedroom. (Okay HELLO, seriously like even the worst detective in the world could close up this case and quell all this ridiculous “rumor” crap, it’s just plain COMMON SENSE – if Hitler was in my bedroom, half-naked, I know exactly what would have been going down – ME!) 😉

29 July 2023

The Safe Word is ‘Nightcap’ 🍾

Both Inga Ley and Renate Mueller committed suicide soon after having a salacious fling with the Führer. In the mid-1930s, Hitler had lured Renate Mueller into making propaganda films (and possibly pornographic films) and proceeded to start sordid sex sessions with her. On one particular evening in the Reich Chancellery, Renate later confided to her director Adolf Zeissler, Hitler threw himself on the floor and begged her to kick him and inflict pain. She refused, but he went on heaping abuse and accusations upon himself, insisting that he was unworthy to be in the same room with her, that he was her slave, and begging her to beat him with his dog whip. She gave in, kicking him, abusing him with foul language, and striking him mercilessly with his whip. He became excited and masturbated to a climax. After this they dressed, had a nightcap, and Hitler thanked her for a pleasant evening, and a servant saw her out.

28 July 2023

Hitler’s “Peculiar Tastes” 👀

Ernst Hanfstaengl suggested that Geli, the only woman believed to have actually stolen the Führer’s heart, was willing “to submit to his peculiar tastes” (which included sexual games involving urination), and went on to say “that the services she was prepared to render had the effect of making him behave like a man in love… he hovered at her elbow with a moon-calf look in his eyes in a very plausible imitation of adolescent infatuation.”  In 1929, Hitler wrote Geli a very sexually explicit letter that included pornographic sketches and salacious details of his sado-masochist fantasies. (The letter, had it been exposed to the press, would have spelled the end of Hitler’s career. It was intercepted and destroyed by his friend Bernhard Stempfle.) Hitler later declared that Raubal was the only woman he had ever loved. After her death her room at Haus Wachenfeld was kept exactly as she had left it, and he hung portraits of her in his room there and at the Reich Chancellory in Berlin. Hitler traveled for some time after her passing and after he got back, he instructed that all Raubal’s belongings be put in her bloodstained room at his Prinzregentenplatz apartment. Her room was then sealed off and kept as a temple with flowers, and no one but Hitler was ever allowed into that room again. For the rest of his life Hitler could never speak of Geli without tears coming to his eyes.

27 July 2023

Bereaved Bad Boy Breaks Bad 💔

It is widely accepted that in trying to pinpoint the exact moment that Adolf Hitler went bad, it was undoubtedly the death of his niece Geli, an event which rocked him to his core. At the Nuremberg trials, Hermann Goring commented on this pivotal moment in the Fuhrer’s life. “Geli’s death had such a devastating effect on Hitler, It changed his relationship to all other people.” Though Hitler was without a doubt a vicious, inhumane leader, it seems he had one weakness in life: his half-niece, Geli Raubal. In the last four years of her life, Geli became Hitler’s world, his obsession, and it would be just her and Hitler alone together in his Munich apartment. They were inseparable, she called him Uncle Alf, he called her Princess, and the pair proceeded with a torrid and forbidden relationship until her suicide on 18 September 1931. Adolf Hitler was by all accounts a different person after her death. Though he’d never been kind, he was, if anything, crueler, even to his own family. According to Hitler’s photographer, Heinrich Hoffmann, had Geli not died, things could have been very different. Her death, he said, “was when the seeds of inhumanity began to grow inside Hitler.”

26 July 2023

The Peculiar Predicament of Hitler’s Pilfered Pornography Portfolio 🕵️‍♂️

Ernst Hanfstaengl says that he ran into party treasurer Franz Xaver Schwarz on a Munich street one day in early 1931, and found him “very down-in-the-mouth.” Schwartz took him to his flat and “poured out what was on his mind. He had just had to buy off someone who had been trying to blackmail Hitler, but the worst part of the story was the reason for it. This man had somehow come into the possession of a folio of pornographic drawings Hitler had made… They were depraved, intimate sketches of Geli Raubal, with every anatomical detail.” Hanfstaengl says he was surprised when he found Schwarz still had possession of the ransomed Geli porn. “Heaven help us, man! Why don’t you tear the filth up?” he asked the party treasurer. “No,” he quotes Schwarz replying, “Hitler wants them back. He wants me to keep them in the Brown House safe.”

Me: “Oh Adolf, Draw Me Like One of Your German Girls!” ✍️ 💋

25 July 2023

Hitler’s Pornographic Artwork 🎨

Geli Raubal was undoubtedly Adolf Hitler’s one true love of his life. Much is written and speculated about their passionate sex life, and Hitler created many pornographic drawings of his half-niece and secret lover. Hitler’s “Nackte Frau” (Nude Woman) was drawn when Geli Raubal posed for him in 1929. Much speculation about Raubal’s death includes the notion that her relationship with Hitler and suicide in 1931 sowed the seeds of the dictator’s discord. Ernst Hanfstaengl had written in “The Missing Years” 1957): “I am sure that the death of Geli Raubal marked a turning point in the development of Hitler’s character. This relationship, whatever form it took in their intimacy, had provided him for the first time in his life with a release to his nervous energy which only too soon was to find its final expression in ruthlessness and savagery. His long connection with Eva Braun never produced the moon-calf interludes he had enjoyed with Geli and which might in due course, perhaps, have made a normal man out of him. With her death the way was clear for his final development into a demon, with his sex life deteriorating again into a sort of bisexual narcissus-like vanity, with Eva Braun little more than a vague domestic adjunct.” 

23 July 2023

“Orgiastic Frenzy” 🤪

German women commonly achieved orgasm during Hitler’s speeches. He channeled all of his sexual energy through his speeches and towards Germany (he even frequently referred to Germany as “his bride”). Speeches were a means and a substitute for sex with “his wife”. The American magazine ‘Newsweek’ reported of one of his rallies: “Women faint, when, with face purpled and contorted with effort, he blows forth his magic oratory.” The Führer invited women to join him in his erotized excitement. He even told his doctors that he had orgasms during his speeches and that he was embarrased by it, but his doctors wouldn’t even try to do anything about it because it might harm his intense energy. Hitler created, facilitated and participated in an ‘orgiastic frenzy’ of whipped-up passion, repressed lust and deep-seeded desire. Hitler would start his speeches slowly, then his tempo and volume would increase until he was shouting at the ‘climax’. (Add in this sensational forelock flip below and there wouldn’t be enough smelling salts in the world to bring me out of my catatonic stupor 😅😅😅)

22 July 2023

Whip It Good!

Ernst Hanfstaengl believed that Hitler’s fondness for his dog whip was a fetish, a memory residue linked to a sadistic father. He hosted many parties that Hitler attended during the 1920s and frequently witnessed him carrying one of his whips; several of these were presents from his patronesses, and they become part of his getup. As historian Ian Kershaw remarks: ‘In his gangster hat and trenchcoat over his dinner jacket, touting a pistol and carrying as usual his dog-whip, he cut a bizarre figure in the salons of Munich’s upper crust.’” Hanfstaengl remembered seeing Hitler inflamed by one particular woman and strutting up and down, cracking his whip in an attempt to impress her. (I believe this was Frau Elizabeth Büchner, wife of the owner of the Pension Moritz, the hotel at which Hitler regularly stayed in the Obersalzberg that I had posted about on July 11th. She later gave him a rhinoceros hide whip, an upgrade from Frau Bechstein’s original gift. Apparently this whip gifting was to be repeated by several of his female admirers, and would lead to much jealousy and rivalry between them. (I know I’m insanely jealous just imagining this spectacle 🥹)

21 July 2023

Rendezvous Room 3.0 💋

I just found this photo posted on DeviantArt. I don’t know anything about it, but for the sake of argument I’m going to say that it is the Reich Chancellery just so that I have something to post with today’s fact from Esser, about a “secret” room and back entrance for Eva Braun to use whenever Hitler made a booty call between government matters. “Hitler would spend time with his lover Eva Braun in the official residence, but their liaisons were discreet and unpublicized. The Nazi leader, who believed he was irresistible to the opposite sex, thought that the women of the Reich would be traumatized if they discovered he wasn’t single.” ( I’m thinking this photo is from the mid-1930’s as Hitler is wearing that sexy leather coat 🖤🧥🖤 that manages to send me into complete apoplexy whenever he’s wearing it, so yeah I could see where trauma would even be an understatement in this situation).

20 July 2023

Absolutely Fabulous 🥰

So I just finished up a new Hitler drawing and discovered this tremendous TREASURE on DeviantArt when I uploaded my portrait. I’m speechless! This appears to be a photo of Adolf Hitler from the Beer Hall Putsch trial in March of 1924, one in a series that I don’t have!!! That always makes my day 🥰🥰🥰

19 July 2023

Hot Diggity Dog 🌭

It’s National Hot Dog Day!!! Once a year we get a holiday to savor and celebrate wieners! And all this talk about tube steak and sausage has got my mind set firmly on Hitler’s wiener 😋 (not that this is actually different than any other day, but it’s a great excuse to take a moment and really admire and appreciate this fantastic film clip of Hitler’s bulging bratwurst, and this flattering photograph of the Führer’s fabulous frankfurter!) Enjoy!!! 😉


18 July 2023

Rendezvous Room 2.0 🫢

So it seems that by the time he got out of Landsberg Prison, and Hitler started to date Ada Klein in February 1925, the original “Rendezvous Room” was no longer available! “Since Hitler had gotten out of prison, he had consciously made it a habit of not bringing girls to his apartment. The danger was too high. So Hitler devised a plan so they could share private moments together. His chauffeur, Emil Maurice, would loan Hitler his apartment, which had an additional two bedrooms. Maurice provided this service to many in the party, but Hitler never knew that. He thought he was the only man permitted to enjoy Maurice’s spare bedroom. Ada seemed content with the afternoons she spent with her lover in Emil Maurice’s apartment. They met twice a week there, as the gossipy Julius Schaub later told me.” (Twice a week?!? Dang I’d be hitting up that Rendezvous Room for a romp and rollick session at least twice a damn DAY with this handsome hunk 😅 forget that twice a week crap trying to keep my hands off this hottie !! )

17 July 2023

Whipped into a Frenzy 😛

These blissful afternoon lovemaking sessions between Hitler and Jenny Haug that occurred at the infamous Corneliusstraße “Rendezvous Room” continued well into 1923. Apparently “when he was expecting a visit from Jenny, he would pace about frantically, striking his thighs with his whip and in an obviously excited frame of mind. When she would arrive, Hitler’s eyes shown like saucers. He was really attracted to her. They made a genuinely solid couple. They looked well together and Hitler was happier than usual when she was nearby.” (🎶 Cause I may be bad, but I’m perfectly good at it 😈 Sex in the air, I don’t care, I love the smell of it 🦯 Sticks and stones may break my bones ⛓ But chains and whips excite me 🎶) 💋

16 July 2023

The ‘Rendezvous Room’ 🤫

More juicy Esser gossip 🤭… “In 1922, Hitler began a passionate relationship with Jenny Haug, and they spent their afternoons often in the “rendezvous room,” which was an apartment at his disposal above the party HQ on Corneliusstraße in Munich. Only the closest party members knew about this room, where Hitler entertained many a Munich beauty in these early years.” Hitler was often unfaithful with his girlfriends, a habitual problem, and it would seem he had briefly rekindled his relationship with Suzi Liptauer in 1922 as well, after her attempted suicide when she discovered he was hooking up with another woman named Emmi Marre earlier that year. (Dang it sounds like Hitler would have needed a full-time secretary to handle scheduling for all of his overlapping liaisons at the “Rendezvous Room” 😂)

15 July 2023

Afternoon Delight 🌞

Hitler’s love affair with 19 year old Suzi Liptauer began in the summer of 1921. According to Hermann Esser “She had the delightful Viennese charm to her, which spellbound men. Hitler, as he told me, rarely took her to his apartment for their trysts, but used another apartment which belonged to a party comrade who was a jeweler. Because Hitler’s nights were consumed with party matters and speeches, he had little time for seductions by night. He and Suzi met intimately in the afternoons.” 
(🎶 Thinkin’ of you’s workin’ up my appetite 😋 Looking forward to a little afternoon delight 🥰 Rubbin’ sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite ✨ And the thought of lovin’ you is getting so exciting 🔥 Sky rockets in flight 🚀 AH Afternoon delight! 🎶)

14 July 2023

Riveting Blue Eyes 💙💙💙

“Hitler’s effect on women was unparalleled. In all my life I never saw anything like it. He didn’t have to try and gather women to him, they came in droves on their own. His charm, his riveting blue eyes and his seeming diffidence attracted women to him quite effortlessly. More and more women began attending our rallies and they would often be in the first row during his fiery speeches.” -Hermann Esser, early party member and one of Hitler’s first followers. (I’ll be posting a lot more from Esser this week, lots of really juicy stuff to get into, but it’s been beyond impossible to find ANYTHING to top yesterday’s post 😂)

13 July 2023

Couch Conquests 🛋

Hot damn it seems that Hitler’s couch saw more action than Normandy Beach on D-Day! According to historians, Hitler’s girlfriend, Eva Braun, would show friends this 1938 photograph of Neville Chamberlain in Hitler’s apartment at Prinzregentenplatz 16 in Munich and whisper, “if only he knew what goings-on that sofa has seen!” (Woo hoo well get in line ladies, ‘cause tonight this American is dreaming of storming Hitler’s couch and begging him to pull out his dog whip and show me a whole new rendition of Operation Overlord!)

12 July 2023

Liebesnacht 🛋

In January of 1931 Mimi Reiter received a knock at her door from Rudolf Hess. “Hitler sent me,” he said. “He wants to know if you are happy.” Maria got the hint and ran off to Munich. There was a touching reconciliation on Hitler’s sofa and one breathless Liebesnacht—night of love. “I let him do what he wanted. I was never so happy.” Hitler told her: “Mimilein, I’m rich now. I can offer you everything. Stay with me . . . I’ve never loved any woman as I love you.” Mimi wanted to get married and have children, but Hitler only wanted her as a mistress. On their last meeting together in 1938 she asked what everyone else was asking: “Will there be war?” Der Führer shrugged his shoulders and turned away.

11 July 2023

Hitler’s Swashbuckling Swagger 🕺🏻

In June of 1923 Ernst “Putzi” Hanfstaengl spent a holiday with Hitler at Herr Buechner‘s Pension Moritz guesthouse in Berchtesgaden. Hitler had recently acquired his dog whip and was putting on some super sexy swagger for the lucky ladies in his entourage. Putzi stated that “in a swashbuckling manner Hitler was strutting up and down the large veranda and garden, swinging his whip. He would stop now and again to talk to Frau Buechner, whip in hand, punctuating his sentences with the whip in a schoolboy fashion. He was obviously showing off talking at Frau Buechner and the numerous “gallery” of admiring females, all Party adherents.” (*Sigh* I’m living in the wrong Summer of ‘23!)

10 July 2023

Hitler’s Dog Whip 🖤

Here is the CIA’s take in their 1943 psychological profile of Adolf Hitler of why he carried a dog whip. “While speaking of women Hitler occasionally quoted the Russian proverb. ‘If you go to a woman don’t forget your whip.’ This was said with the idea that men should be the master of the erotic situation. Anyone who has ever seen Hitler talking in a bashful and puerile way to a woman would easily be led to believe that in marriage he would be the underdog, but that is manifestly wrong. It would seem that the whip plays some mysterious role in his relationship to women.” (Unfortunately they didn’t elaborate any further on this ‘mysterious role,’ but yeah he definitely isn’t the underdog in any of my fantasies!) 🤭

9 July 2023

Dashing in Dortmund 😚

Just…. Just take it in 😋 Seriously, Hitler was supremely scrumptious in the summer of ‘33! I mean simply sublime. 🥰 As I spent all day working on my Dortmund Rally post I don’t have anything specifically scandalous to add here today, just my own salacious thoughts racing ‘round 😅 so just savor this one and simply let your own imagination run wild 😘

8 July 2023

Down & Dirty with Dozens…

Adolf Hitler’s sexuality has received an extensive amount of speculation as well as scholarly debate, as his name has been linked to dozens of possible intimate partners, and not all of them women. Rumors especially swirled about his relationship with SA leader Ernst Roehm, but nothing beyond a close friendship was ever officially proven. Hitler surprisingly ‘tolerated’ Röhm’s homosexuality and simply saw it as a ‘character flaw’. He confided to Hoffmann: “In a man like Röhm,’ he said to me, ‘who has lived so long in the tropics, a disease like this—for it is as a disease that I prefer to regard his habits— deserves special consideration. With his Army connections, Röhm is very valuable to the Party, and, as long as he remains discreet about things, his private life is of no interest to me; and I certainly should never think of reproaching him or of taking any action against him.” – “Hitler Was My Friend” by Heinrich Hoffmann

7 July 2023

Hitler and the Bechsteins 🐺

Both Helene Bechstein, 13 years older than Hitler, and her daughter Lotte, 13 years younger, at separate times had each had an intimate relationship with Hitler in the mid-1920’s. Helene specifically loved to pull Adolf tightly against her breasts and stroke his forelock while calling him by the pet name “Wölfchen” (“little wolf”). She also gifted him the dog whip that went on to become an integral part of his iconic image.

6 July 2023

Pornographic Warfare 🪖

This is the only photograph that I have of Adolf Hitler’s Wiener schnitzel. Luckily I also have it archived with this thorough description of it’s full context – part of a British Royal Airforce Special Op planned in March of 1944. Personally I don’t see how anyone in Germany would have been “traumatized,” let alone not have been pleasantly surprised 😊 to receive this special air mail delivery from Great Britain’s bombers during WW2.

5 July 2023

Sex Symbol 🩲

According to Adolf Hitler’s valet Heinz Linge, Der Führer was a huge sex symbol who constantly got lingerie sent to him at the Berghof from adoring German women. It became such a problem that his staff didn’t know what to do with the tremendous inundation of undies. Linge said at one point the boxes of underwear were stacked up so high in the front hall of Adolf’s private home that Hitler decided all of the panties should be passed on to charities.

4 July 2023

Nature Calls 👀

Hitler loved to go out on picnics with his friends up in the mountains. It was one of his greatest pleasures, he often would spend the entire day hiking and then break to have lunch. When nature called and he would stop to relieve himself against the trees with the rest of his male entourage, many were naturally very curious about the Führer‘s physical endowments. Not surprisingly they all consistently reported that he was far from lacking in that particular department.