Heinrich Hoffmann (1885 – 1957) served as Adolf Hitler’s official photographer from when Hitler took control of the Nazi party in 1921 until his death in 1945. Hoffmann estimates he took over half a million photographs of Hitler over the course of his career. His portraits were the most significant source of Nazi propaganda materials published over the course of close to 25 years, everything from postcards, posters, magazines, postage stamps and picture books. Click on each theme below to see a complete photo album devoted to that particular event or topic.

Exactly 90 years ago today the largest assembly of SA Stormtroopers ever to be mustered occurred in Dortmund Germany at the SA Westfalen Treffen (SA Westphalia meeting). By the end of the summer of 1933, the Sturmabteilung had become the largest paramilitary branch of the NSDAP, consisting of close to 3 million men. During the short period of time since Hitler had become Chancellor in late January, the SA had assumed control of the Stahlhelm (‘Steel Helmet’) and the Kyffhauserbund (another war veterans’ association), and absorbed just about every suitable citizen from policemen to public servants. For two days from July 8-9 Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler would address the SA at the Dortmund rally, known as the “Aufmarsch der SA-Gruppe Westfalen” (Deployment of the SA Group Westphalia).

Nazi leader Adolf Hitler watches a parade of SA Stormtroopers at the Dortmund Rally on 9 July 1933. From left to right: Gauleiter Josef Wagner (NSDAP-Gauleiter des Gaus Westfalen-Süd), SA-Gruppenführer Wilhelm Schepmann (Führer SA-Gruppe Westfalen), SA-Brigadeführer Georg von Walthausen (Gruppenstaffelführers der SA-Gruppe Nord-West), Hitler, Adolf Hühnlein (blocked by Hitler, NSKK-Korpsführer ), and SA-Obergruppenführer Viktor Lutze (Oberpräsident der Provinz Hannover). Illustration from ‘Deutschland Erwacht – Werden, Kampf und Sieg der NSDAP’.

The origins of the SA go back to the very first weeks of the NSDAP’s founding, when party members were given free beer in exchange for providing security at meetings and rallies. By September of 1921 Hitler had fashioned these men into his own private army, and created the name Sturmabteilung (Stormtroops’). He also ordered them to be outfitted in military-style uniforms, and after the party acquired a bulk shipment of cheap army surplus brown shirts, these became their distinctive uniform and namesake.

This iconic photo was featured as a collective cigarette card picture from ‘Germany awakens’ (Sammelwerk #8, Bild No. 156, Gruppe 29) Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler addressing an SA (Sturmabteilung) rally in Dortmund, Germany, during “Aufmarsch der SA-Gruppe Westfalen” (Deployment of the SA Group Westphalia) (also known as the “SA-Westfalentreffen”), 9 July 1933. This speech appears to have taken place on the grounds to the west of the old Dortmund Westfalenhalle.
Adolf Hitler makes a speech at the SA Rally in Dortmund in July 1933. This speech appears to have taken place on the grounds that stood just to the west of the old Dortmund Westfalenhalle that was destroyed in a bombing raid in 1944 and rebuilt in the same spot in 1952. Hitler had given several other speeches at the old Westfalenhallen, including two during the election campaigns of 1932.
Postcard showing Adolf Hitler emerging from the Hotel zum Römischen Kaiser in Dortmund in July 1933..
Postcard featuring a quote from Adolf Hitler’s speech at the 1933 Dortmund Rally. “For their part, may the German artists be aware of the task that the nation is entrusting to them. As folly and injustice seem to rule the world, we call upon them to share in the proudest defense of the German people through German art.”
Postcard featuring a quote from Adolf Hitler’s speech at the 1933 Dortmund Rally. “But one thing we know, that under no circumstances should the representatives of the decline that lies behind us suddenly be the standard-bearers of the future.”
Adolf Hitler salutes the parade of the Westphalian SA in Dortmund on 9 July 1933. This took place in front of the Dortmund Stadttheater am Hiltropwall 15 in the city center.
Adolf Hitler reviews an SA parade as it passes in front of the Dortmund City Theater. He gave a speech at this location the evening of 9 July 1933.
Adolf Hitler reviews the SA parade in front of the Dortmund Stadttheater on 9 July 1933.

On 1 March 1943 the Dortmund Stadttheater that was central to the 1933 SA Rally was hit by allied bombs and partially destroyed. Performances continued for a short time in the foyer, then moved to locations such as the Café Corso, the Olympia-Theater, and the Casino, which had been named the “New Theater”, but each of these alternative locations was also destroyed in subsequent bombing raids. The theater was closed down like all other theaters in Germany on 1 September 1944 by order of the Reich Ministry of Propaganda. On 6 October 1944, what remained of the original Dortmund Stadttheater was completely destroyed in another allied bomb attack.

The original Stadttheater Dortmund, destroyed in World War II. Theater Dortmund’s original theatre was designed by architect Martin Dülfer and built from 1902 to 1904. The theater’s inaugural performance was of Richard Wagner’s ‘Tannhäuser’ on 17 December 1904.
Adolf Hitler in front of the Stadttheater Dortmund, reviewing the SA parade on 9 July 1933. This photograph was later featured on a full page in ‘Das Ehrenbuch der SA’, a 1934 publication documenting the milestones in SA history from the early 1920s to the year 1933.
Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler poses with a young member of the Hitler Youth at the Dortmund SA rally on 9 July 1933.

2 responses to “Dortmund SA Rally 1933”

  1. sohndesmondes Avatar

    What a sight to be greeted by upon waking up! It’s always a pleasure to look through and read everything you post. Dad is as majestic as ever here

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jugend um Hitler – Heinrich Hoffmann Photo Gallery Avatar

    […] 1933. Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler poses with a young member of the Hitler Youth at the 1933 Dortmund SA Rally on 9 July 1933. Adolf Hitler talking to children visiting his house in the region of the […]


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