Heinrich Hoffmann (1885 – 1957) served as Adolf Hitler’s official photographer from when Hitler took control of the Nazi party in 1921 until his death in 1945. Hoffmann estimates he took over half a million photographs of Hitler over the course of his career. His portraits were the most significant source of Nazi propaganda materials published over the course of close to 25 years, everything from postcards, posters, magazines, postage stamps and picture books. Click on each theme below to see a complete photo album devoted to that particular event or topic.

“Hitler’s tall and handsome figure, the lock of dark hair that waves coquettishly over his brow and his neatly clipped mustache brought sighs from thousands of women of the middle class who called him “der schoene Adolf (handsome Adolf)” and “unser Adolf (our Adolf)” in tones of rapturous admiration.”

– “The Pittsburgh Press” Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Sun, Oct 5, 1930 p.61

Even though the subject of Adolf Hitler’s extraordinary and most formidable sexual charisma may be an awkward topic of discussion for many, it is albeit a fascinating one. An undeniable fact, it is well documented that it was Hitler’s massive sex appeal that contributed greatly to his meteoric rise to power. Hitler and Hoffmann deftly exploited his dangerously potent sexual magnetism and physical attractiveness to skillfully draw in the female vote and garner the staunch support of the fairer sex, which is what ultimately brought Hitler to ultimate power.

Let’s face it – Adolf Hitler not only pioneered, but expertly crafted, honed and channeled the intensely erotic and irresistible “bad boy” rockstar persona. He was truly a phenomenon the likes of which had never been witnessed in all of history. Hitler was the entire package: an adored object of desire, a powerful sex symbol and a dreadfully unattainable and pined-for lover. The world wouldn’t witness this same level of celebrity fervor and adulation that he roused from the masses for many decades to come, not until Elvis stepped onto the stage to deftly channel the same level of entrancing and erotic energy.

Hitler’s potent sexual charisma paired up with his dazzling eyes, passionate gestures, bewitching gaze, striking vocal crescendos, and climactic shouting only magnified his entrancing aura and made him an instant cultural phenomenon. The charming and charismatic Hitler didn’t simply hypnotize the crowd, he seduced them. Sex sells, and whenever Hitler stepped up on stage, an entire country eagerly consumed whatever he was peddling.

“Outwardly so hard, he is touchingly soft within,” wrote future deputy Führer Rudolph Hess, capturing the contradictory qualities that helped the Nazi leader gain the devotion of men and women. Although he kept his body clothed in public, Hitler’s speeches left him bathed in sweat and gave onlookers the sense they had just made an intimate connection. “At times it seems as if [his words] are torn from the very heart of the man, causing him indescribable anguish,” marveled the writer Michael Fry.”

– Quote from “Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present” By Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Whether he was flashing his lithe legs in a pair of taut lederhosen, deftly flipping his trademark forelock back into place, or channeling his raw unbridled masculine energy into carefully choreographed mannerisms and gesticulations on stage with the deftness of a modern rockstar, his otherworldly aura still manages to enchant and infatuate many, even one hundred years out from when he first stepped up onto the world political stage.

World’s first teen idol? Perhaps the marvel of Adolf Hitler has been most accurately summed up on ‘History’s Biggest Sex Symbols’ as a “one man boy band”. Certainly ‘The Youngstown Vindicator’ succinctly captured the mystique of his appeal best in the 13 October 1938 article ‘The Fabulous Führer’: “Today he is the awesome Führer, but even now women – from matron to schoolgirl – dimple and smile sweetly when Adolf Hitler is near them, for he possesses a strange charm for German womanhood.”

World’s first Teen Idol? Adolf Hitler has been accurately summed up as a “one man boy band”.

Interestingly the effect of Der Führer’s irresistible magnetism wasn’t just confined to the German ladies either, here is a fellow and deeply enamored American woman named Carla De Vries who stealthily and successfully snuck in a solicitous smooch with Handsome Adolf at the 1936 Summer Olympics while visiting Berlin 😘

Below is a growing collection of my very own personal favorite photographs that expertly captured Hitler’s uniquely seductive magnetism, and which aptly radiate with his inimitable and commanding authority, confidence and power.

The famous forelock swish, certain to make any lady swoon… ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

Hitler going in for his trademark “forelock swish” as he arrives for the annual May Day celebration in Berlin in 1934 🫠🫠🫠

☢️☢️💥💥🚨🚨💋💋🥰🥰 NUCLEAR ☢️ ☢️💥💥🚨🚨💋💋🥰🥰

What I dream of waking up to every morning….

How I dream of ending every night….

Lord have mercy…. 🫣

Hitler’s true eye color: 💙💙💙 “As has often been said, Hitler’s eyes were startling and unforgettable… they seemed pale blue in colour, were intense, unwavering, hypnotic”. -Martha Dodd (daughter of William Edward Dodd, US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s first Ambassador to Germany).


Adolf – my Noble Wolf – so perfect and beautiful on the outside – if only your heart could have been the same 😔 you are one of life’s greatest and most terrible mysteries – I’ll just never understand…

Completely ensnared by your seductive glance
Your riveting eyes cast their hypnotic trance
Why do I crave your deadly embrace?
I can’t wrest my gaze from your beautiful face

Supernatural allure as bright as the dawn
Like a quivering moth to your flame I am drawn
This forbidden love is my only desire
Your heart wrought of ice consumes me like fire

Making love to you stalks my every thought
I cannot resist this spell that you’ve wrought
Gleefully submitting to your total control
You have conquered my heart… and stolen my soul

YES PLEASE!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥

Phewwwwwwwy 😅

I think that’s really about all one post can handle without literally catching fire 🔥🔥🔥

Okay and here it is, my *NSFW* page… Fabulous Führer Fotos! My extra special place that I’ll gladly share with anybody else who can’t get enough of der schöne Adolf! Enjoy 😉

13 responses to “‘Handsome Adolf’”

  1. nim0 Avatar

    OMG, Thank you so much for your work😭😭😭

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Verboten Love Avatar

      You are so very welcome! I’m so glad you are enjoying it 😊


  2. poorlistener Avatar

    I like these very much, I support your work. These are great!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Verboten Love Avatar

      Thank you so much! I’m going to be posting a “Handsome Hitler Set #2” real soon, there’s just too many great photos to fit on just one post 😊


  3. Barbara Underwood Avatar
    Barbara Underwood

    Your poem is really beautiful! You are obviously a very talented, intelligent and fascinating person yourself. Thanks for sharing your passion and giving others some of that energy and enthusiasm. I also support your work, and your blog is fabulous. If not now, then I’m sure it soon will be a huge success as more people discover it! Keep up the wonderful work!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Verboten Love Avatar

      I am so thrilled with the interest I have recently gained through Twitter, I really appreciate all the support, there is nothing I love more than sharing my joy and passion with others and not feeling so alone with this anymore 🤗


      1. Barbara Underwood Avatar
        Barbara Underwood

        Twitter has really changed a lot lately, and there has been a shift in the way people think about history and the world, with more revisionists and challenges to the “establishment”, which means that certain subjects are no longer so verboten, thus opening the way for more great photos and genuine interest.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Verboten Love Avatar

        It’s been such a breath of fresh air! I kept getting blocked on Reddit for posting any of these historic photos with just dates and facts, no political commentary whatsoever, and it was so exasperating I stopped posting anywhere for months. It’s been so lovely to finally share again and exchange photos with so many fellow collectors!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Barbara Underwood Avatar
    Barbara Underwood

    Never been on Reddit and didn’t know they were that strict. Definitely very good news that Twitter has improved and that you’re able to share again – let’s hope it stays that way!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What Avatar

    Is this sarcastic


    1. Verboten Love Avatar

      No absolutely not. I take great care and invest many hours of my time each week to research and assemble these albums. I know most people don’t see any value in it, but there are 14 subscribers that do appreciate my work and regularly read my posts.


      1. What Avatar

        I see, I meant specifically on your captioning under your “Handsome Adolf” album.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Verboten Love Avatar

        Oh yes, all that information is historically accurate, and my own opinions are completely genuine. I’ve always had an intensely physical and emotional connection to this man, as awkward or unusual as that might be. I have found that there is actually a small but very passionate community of both men and women that share this same attraction. If you’d like to explore this topic from a more historical perspective, you can read a more detailed article with several relevant newspaper citations here:



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