Heinrich Hoffmann (1885 – 1957) served as Adolf Hitler’s official photographer from when Hitler took control of the Nazi party in 1921 until his death in 1945. Hoffmann estimates he took over half a million photographs of Hitler over the course of his career. His portraits were the most significant source of Nazi propaganda materials published over the course of close to 25 years, everything from postcards, posters, magazines, postage stamps and picture books. Click on each theme below to see a complete photo album devoted to that particular event or topic.

Heinrich Hoffmann’s book “Hitler abseits vom Alltag” (Hitler Away From Everyday Life) was published in 1937 and features 100 photos about the private life of Adolf Hitler. The photographs show Hitler mostly in private settings, including at his home the Berghof, meetings with Nazi officials, workers, admirers, children, traveling, relaxing at a picnic, giving autographs, visiting Landsberg prison and Göring’s Carinhall, as well as many images of both the exterior and interior of the Berghof. 

The cover photo of “Hitler abseits vom Alltag“ shows Adolf Hitler out on a walk near the Berghof, which can be seen in the background in front of the Hoher Göll mountain. This image was also replicated on postcards captioned “Der Fuhrer auf einem Spaziergang (im Hintergrund Berghof Wachenfeld vor dem Hohen Goll).”
The German Chancellor Adolf Hitler at Nuremberg with Lord Mayor Willy Liebel and Albert Speer in 1937.
Adolf Hitler examines a model of a new D-type racing car at the Berlin Motor Show automobile exhibition in 1935. 
Adolf Hitler reading the Völkischer Beobachter (People’s Observer), the daily newspaper published by the Nazi Party in Germany from the 1920’s until the fall of the Third Reich in 1945. In this photo Hitler reads the morning paper at Schloss Grevenburg before holding a speech in Detmold on 15 January 1936. Adolf Hitler spent the night at Schloss Grevenburg, the residence of Baron von Oeynhausen, to commemorate the three year anniversary since his success in the 1933 Lippe Election Campaign.

Adolf Hitler posing with a young girl after signing an autograph at the Berghof.
Adolf Hitler visiting the fortress Landsberg am Lech on 8 October 1934, standing in his former prison cell where he wrote “Mein Kampf”in 1924.
Adolf Hitler greeting children and many other admirers from the window of his special train, the Führersonderzug.
Adolf Hitler on a plane in August 1934, reading a book during a flight shortly after the referendum passed declaring him “Führer und Reichskanzler”. This photograph is also a print from “Adolf Hitler. Bilder aus dem Leben des Führers” Hamburg: Cigaretten/Bilderdienst Hamburg/Bahrenfeld, 1936.   

“Adolf Hitler am Grabe der Kameraden Hermann Schmidt’. On his way to attend the official opening of the Adolf-Hitler-Koog on 29 August 1935, Hitler stopped to visit this gravesite located in Sankt Annen of one of the victims of the Bloody Night of Wöhrden, his comrade Hermann Schmidt, killed in action on 7 March 1929.
Photograph from Adolf Hitler’s picnic outing in the Harz Mountains on 17 July 1935.

4 responses to “‘Hitler abseits vom Alltag’”

  1. Picnicking with Hitler 🧺 – Heinrich Hoffmann Photo Gallery Avatar

    […] Hess during a visit to Carl Röver and his family in Oldenburg on 28 February 1929. Adolf Hitler Abseits Vom Alltag (Hitler Beyond Everyday Life) – Relaxation in the forest c. 1932. Adolf Hitler making a […]


  2. Hitler and Goebbels – Heinrich Hoffmann Photo Gallery Avatar

    […] Games. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels from Heinrich Hoffmann’s 1937 propaganda photo book ‘Hitler Abseits von Alltag’. Adolf Hitler congratulates Joseph Goebbels for his 40th birthday on 29 October 1937. Adolf […]


  3. Karakurt7 Avatar

    It is an extremely valuable and complete website, these sites are very rare and not highlighted at all, which is why I decided to archive the entire complete site on Archive.org, in order to keep all these rare photos, if this site gets deleted.

    watch the archived version of this website here: https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/hitler-pics.com

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Verboten Love Avatar

      Thank you so very very much, I have put thousands of hours worth of work and research into this website and it is always my greatest fear that it could get deleted at some point due to the controversial nature of the material. I believe the content is very valuable from a historical and educational point of view, and I’ve tried to make the photographs much easier and enjoyable for browsing versus many other archives which are not often structured by subject, and often have inaccurate or missing dates to place them in the right context.

      Liked by 1 person

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